Color, can be negative

Static variables

@:value(0x0000FF)staticinlineread onlyBLUE:UInt = 0x0000FF

@:value(0x00FF00)staticinlineread onlyGREEN:UInt = 0x00FF00

@:value(0xFF)staticinlineread onlyMAX_CHANNEL:Int = 0xFF

@:value(0xFF0000)staticinlineread onlyRED:UInt = 0xFF0000

@:value(0xFFFFFF)staticinlineread onlyWHITE:UInt = 0xFFFFFF

staticread onlya:Int

Alpha 0...255

staticread onlyaf:Float

Alpha 0...1

staticread onlyargb:UInt


staticread onlyb:Int

Blue 0...255

staticread onlybf:Float

Blue 0...1

staticread onlyg:Int

Green 0...255

staticread onlygf:Float

Green 0...1

staticread onlyinvert:Color

Inverted color

staticread onlyinvertAlpha:Color

This color with inverted alpha

staticread onlypower:Int


staticread onlyr:Int

Red 0...255

staticread onlyrf:Float

Red 0...1

staticread onlyrgb:UInt


Static methods

@:op(A + B)staticinlineadd(a:Color, b:Color):Color

Colors sum

staticinlinebright(this:ColorImpl, v:Int):Color

Apply bright to this color

staticinlinefromARGB(a:Int, r:Int, g:Int, b:Int):Color

Build from ARGB values

staticfromARGBSave(a:Int, r:Int, g:Int, b:Int):Color

Safely building from ARGB values

staticinlinefromRGB(r:Int, g:Int, b:Int):Color

Build from RGB values

staticfromRGBSave(r:Int, g:Int, b:Int):Color

Safely building from RGB values Values limited -255...255


Build color from string

@:op(A - B)staticinlinesub(a:Color, b:Color):Color

First color subtract second color


Convert color to string
