Available on all platforms
UColor Can be only positive
@:value(384)staticinlineread onlyHALF_POWER:UInt = 384
@:value(24)staticinlineread onlyPOS_ALPHA:UInt = 24
@:value(8)staticinlineread onlyPOS_GREEN:UInt = 8
@:value(16)staticinlineread onlyPOS_RED:UInt = 16
staticread onlya:UInt
Alpha 0...255
staticread onlyaf:Float
Alpha 0...1
staticread onlyalternative:UColor
White or black
staticread onlyargb:UInt
staticread onlyb:UInt
Blue 0...255
staticread onlybf:Float
Blue 0...1
staticread onlyg:UInt
Green 0...255
staticread onlygf:Float
Green 0...1
staticread onlyinvert:UColor
Inverted color
staticread onlyinvertAlpha:UColor
This color with inverted alpha
staticread onlypower:UInt
staticread onlyr:UInt
Red 0...255
staticread onlyrf:Float
Red 0...1
staticread onlyrgb:UInt
staticinlinefromARGB(a:UInt, r:UInt, g:UInt, b:UInt):UColor
Build from ARGB values
staticfromARGBSave(a:Int, r:Int, g:Int, b:Int):UColor
Safely building from ARGB values
staticinlinefromRGB(r:UInt, g:UInt, b:UInt):UColor
Build from RGB values
staticinlinefromRGBAF(rgb:UColor, af:Float):UColor
Build from RGBAF values
staticfromRGBSave(r:Int, g:Int, b:Int):UColor
Safely building from RGB values Values limited 0...255
Build color from string
Convert color to rgba string with inverted alpha
Convert color to rgba string
Convert color to rgb string
Convert color to string
Convert color to string with alpha